Boutique Family Law Representation & Stellar Client Service

Taking steps to prepare for a process you never planned to face

On Behalf of | Oct 24, 2018 | Firm News

When you and your spouse chose to enter a marriage, you likely did so with every intention of staying together for the remainder of your lives. However, with studies indicating that as many as half of all marriages result in divorce, until death do us part might not always be the outcome.

While making the decision to divorce can be a stressful and emotional process, in some cases, it could also be the healthiest decision for everyone. Even if you feel that taking separate paths is the healthiest option, you might still find it challenging to prepare yourself for what comes next.

Steps to take to prepare to dissolve a marriage

Preparing for a process you never thought would be an option can be an intimidating experience. Since divorce is a major life decision, some factors you might find it helpful to consider prior to entering the process may include:

  • Careful consideration: Divorce is a major decision that will inherently affect your life in various ways and taking the time to consider your situation carefully prior to deciding on a path is advisable.
  • Research is vital: Once you make the decision to dissolve your marriage, the next step is to gain a clearer understanding of California state divorce laws, as these will have a substantial impact on the outcome of the process.
  • Protecting your finances: If you and your spouse decide to part ways, you could find it beneficial to begin taking steps to protect your finances, such as closing joint credit card and banking accounts.
  • Protecting your future: You may also find it helpful to consider how the process will affect your immediate future and take steps to prepare yourself for life after divorce, such as forming a temporary budget.

Prior to entering legal proceedings, it may also be in your best interests to obtain documentation of all marital assets and finances, as entering the process with the necessary documents in hand could prove vital.

Obtaining advice early on

Going through the end of a marriage can be a highly emotional process, and the outcome of your divorce could have a substantial impact on your life, even if only temporarily. Although you may wish to take every step necessary to protect your future, knowing all the topics to address can be challenging at times.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go through it alone, and by seeking advice from someone with experience in such matters, you could become better prepared to make informed decisions concerning your future during divorce proceedings.
