Before you got married, your spouse bought their own home. You moved in after the marriage and lived there for ten years. It’s safe to say that you think of it as your home. However, you’re now getting a divorce, and your spouse claims that the home is separate...
Firm News
Is your business at risk because of your divorce?
If you are heading toward divorce, you are probably experiencing one of the most stressful times of your life. Faced with pressing questions and impossible choices, you are working against all odds to bring a brighter future from what may be a dark and emotional time...
Protect your future by avoiding divorce mistakes
A divorce can change everything. All the things you may have placed your trust in are now on the line. In the middle of dealing with your present emotions, you may have many concerns about what your future will look like, and rightly so. Will you have to move? What...
Financial stress can destroy even a high-asset marriage
Money may not be the root of all evil, but it is a common factor in many divorces. However, it may not be what you think. Studies show that it is not the love of money or the lack of money that breaks up marriages. It is often a difference in attitudes about money.If...
Questions you may have as you consider the option of divorce
It's not easy to make the choice to divorce. This decision usually comes after a time of contemplation and consideration, and even if you are certain that you want to end your marriage, you may not be sure what this will mean for you going forward. There is often a...
Avoiding property division mistakes
When your divorce is finalized, you probably hope to continue living in the comfortable manner to which you were accustomed during your marriage. You may have heard of friends or relatives who struggled financially after their divorces, and you want to take every...
Taking steps to prepare for a process you never planned to face
When you and your spouse chose to enter a marriage, you likely did so with every intention of staying together for the remainder of your lives. However, with studies indicating that as many as half of all marriages result in divorce, until death do us part might not...
Bringing up the topic of divorce may set precedence for case
When your marriage started having issues, you may have thought that you could work through the problems. Both you and your spouse may have tried a great deal, but you may not be seeing any improvement. As a result, you have found yourself considering divorce time and...
Affordable Care Act and Family Law
One of the most controversial pieces of legislation in modern history is the Affordable Care Act. In the United States, the idea of a government mandated health care plan did not sit well with libertarians or with conservatives. Politics aside, the Affordable Care Act...
One of the first questions we hear in a family law case is, "Who is paying for the lawyers?" One of the biggest challenges in a family law is legal costs associated with obtaining a dissolution of marriage, especially in cases where child custody and support are at...