Married individuals acquire businesses through a variety of different ways. Some people inherit the family business when a parent dies or retires. Others might start a professional practice once they finish graduate school and pass state licensing tests. Some married...
Community Property Division
How commingling can impact property division in a divorce
Spouses who have shared their lives for years or maybe even decades have to find a way to separate their daily lives and resources when they divorce. Property division can be a very challenging issue to address during divorce negotiations. California is a community...
What if spouses disagree on the value of their marital home?
Married couples often deposit their checks into the same account and purchase their most valuable resources together. For many families in California, the home where they live together is the most valuable resource that spouses share. When discussions of divorce...
Is not-yet-paid deferred compensation divisible in a divorce?
Executives, financial officers and other highly-compensated professionals often negotiate very complex employment contracts when starting a new position. They might request severance pay in case they lose their job without advance notice and may be eligible for a...
What happens when a spouse hides marital assets in California?
When a couple gets divorced in California, they must divide the assets that they own. Most of the time, this endeavor starts with a process called disclosure, where they each report their assets to the court. The court can then work with them to divide things fairly...
What a California divorce means for retirement savings
Married couples plan their finances based on the income and needs of both spouses. Sharing financial resources allows a family to afford “more house” when purchasing real estate and can also affect how often the family goes on vacation and what schools children can...
Business assets people may try to claim twice during divorce
For couples to fairly divide their assets during divorce, they need to put together a list of what they own and establish what those assets are worth. For some couples where one spouse makes far more than the other, there may also be a need for spousal support, which...
What happens to a time share during a divorce?
In general, when a couple divorces, their assets and debts are divided between them. A time share is considered a marital asset, and its division will depend on the laws of the jurisdiction where the divorce is taking place. California is a community property state....
Do you need to divide your inheritance with your ex?
You know that you and your ex are going to have to divide your assets when you get divorced. Maybe you have a joint bank account. Perhaps you purchased a home together. Maybe you bought shared vehicles or even a pet. These assets will all need to be divided either by...
How Are Restricted Stock Units Valued In A Divorce?
Successful professionals are often compelled to navigate complex employment contracts and diverse personal resources. Companies often become quite successful when trying to incentivize the best possible performance or attract the top talent. Higher pay isn't always...